parenchymal cells

  • 网络实质细胞;质细胞
parenchymal cellsparenchymal cells
  1. Percoll was used to separate differently aged parenchymal cells of the same rat .


  2. AIM To explore the distribution of Mr 45 000 glucose transporter 1 in the brain parenchymal cells .


  3. Renal parenchymal cells apoptosis in chronic graft dysfunction following kidney transplantation


  4. Isolation of mammalian liver parenchymal cells by collagenase partial liver perfusion method


  5. Ultrastructural morphometry of parenchymal cells of rat and human fetal livers


  6. Positive signal was mainly located in nucleon of the liver and extrahepatic parenchymal cells .


  7. Vimentin and CD34 were found in lining cells and parenchymal cells in 12 cases .


  8. Between parenchymal cells existed an intercellular canaliculus linking perivascular space .


  9. The research were concentrated on the changes of parenchymal cells of lymph node and immune phenotype in the last decade .


  10. CONCLUSION : The mainly pathologic changes after cerebral concussion were blood circulatory disorder and denaturation and necrosis of parenchymal cells .


  11. Hepatic oval cells are located mainly at the binding areas or nearby areas of hepatic parenchymal cells and bile duct epithelial cells .


  12. Cytoprotection of prostaglandin e_1 on lung parenchymal cells


  13. Pineoblastomas arise from pineal parenchymal cells and are less common in children than other pineal germ cell tumors .


  14. With the prolonged course of diabetes mellitus , the morphological change occurred in the parenchymal cells of submandibular gland in the experimental group .


  15. Several layers of cortex parenchymal cells near the proximal periderm in scale degraded after releasing dormancy of the bulb .


  16. The gland is composed of low-density parenchymal cells , interspersed among which are occasional glial cells , blood vessels and neural elements .


  17. Objective : To investigate the ultrastructural intracellular distribution of metallothionein ( MT ) in acute cadmium exposed rat liver , especially in liver parenchymal cells .


  18. Objective To observe the morphologic changes of hepatic stem cells differentiating into hepatic parenchymal cells by isolating and culturing oval cells from adult rat liver .


  19. The parenchymal cells have numerous processes , whose terminals are usually found within the perivascular space and contain both clear and dense-core vesicles .


  20. For the parenchymal cells , the spleen normally promoted their proliferation and protein synthesis ; but during the fibrosis process , spleen had no effects on them .


  21. The changes of histopathology wre mainly hyperemia , congestion and edema in heart , liver , lung and kidney and injury of parenchymal cells .


  22. Results : Gold particles were found abundantly in both cytoplasm and nucleus of liver parenchymal cells , while only a few were found in non treated liver cells .


  23. Histopathological examinations revealed massive intravascular and extravascular accumulation of myeloblasts in most organs and degeneration and necrosis of parenchymal cells .


  24. It is reported that , induced by LPS , the apoptosis of parenchymal cells like vascular endotheliocyte and smooth muscle cell , is important pathogenesis of angiocardiopathy .


  25. Reductions of cell wall thickness and birefringence were observed in both fiber ( sclerenchyma ) and parenchymal cells , together with blurring of the wall 's layered structures .


  26. The liver consists of parenchymal cells ( hepatocytes ) and nonparenchymal cells ( NPC ), including Kupffer cells , sinusoidal endothelial cells , stellate cells , and hepatic dendritic cells .


  27. The apoptosis and its mechanism of parenchymal cells of chickens artificially infected with Marek 's disease virus ( MDV ) was studied by the methods of histopathology , ultrastructural pathology and immunohistochemistry .


  28. Tissue injury and ischemia will eventually produce ischemia , hypoxia , tissue necrosis and inflammation factors , etc. This will promote parenchymal cells and inflammatory cells synthetize and release angiogenic factors , such VEGF , bFGF .


  29. Histopathological changes were hyperemia and edema of meninges , necrosis and inflamation of mucous menbrane of esophagus , crop and duodenum , and degeneration and necrosis of the parenchymal cells of heart , liver and kidney .


  30. Methods C57BL / 6 ( B6 ) mice received the intravenous injection of 2 × 10 7 liver non parenchymal cells via a tail vein in C3H mice . After 48 ? h , cyclophosphamide in PBS was injected intraperitoneally into B6 mice in a dose of 200 ?
